An Alternative OSR-ish TTRPG
a Swords 'n' Stones Adventure

Jan 18th, 2025
First new session of SNS in the can for 2025!
Players Kyle [Leonitis], Jason [Sven] and our new friend Dalton [Floki], managed to survive 3 nasty
encounters and Flokis very first roll..... a nat 20! Sheesh lol
Nothin like killin off one of my critters first time out the gate.
Well done gang
Feb 1, 2025
Session 2
Floki died, Leonitos found a heal stone in Flokis pack and brought him back. Sven took out the fire
beetles in the last room to save the party. Floki gained the title of Spear Master. All adventurers were
close to death more than once. Several rooms cleansed of the denisens of darkness.
Rest now adventurers, heal, eat, and ready yourselves to continue your quest to rid the temple of the filth
that hath overtaken it when next we meet!
Feb 15, 2025
Session 3
The valiant party managed to find another lost soul. Brought to Ambian from modern day Earth, Martin
Misshap joins the team!
The group pushed on with their new comrade only to be confronted by a group of aggravated Dorufu!
In the midst of the fray, two comrades fell!
Only one recovered.
Leonitis the brave, warrior, scholar and friend.
Rest well.
As the group pressed on, they came upon another lost soul. Strapped to a bed under a pile of webbing
was Stewart the Stench of Scotland.
Confused, angry and a wee bit drunk, Stew made it known that he wasn't very happy to wake up and not
be in his homeland.
Immediately the part was put to the test. As they attempted to make their way back to the entrance of the
temple, they were confronted by a group of hungry Gokru!
Floki attempted to talk his way out of this encounter by using his Stone of speaking. Unfortunately, this
did not convince the Gokru to let them pass. Drawing weapons, the party decides to fight their way out!
Floki sets one of the Gokru on fire, and after multiple arrows from Stew and Floki, two of the Gokru died
and the other two fled.
Weary from the conflict, and in need of time to heal and get to know the new comrades, Floki and Sven
set up bed rolls to get some rest and start fresh in the morning.
Feb 25 2025
Session 4
Our adventurers start their day with exploration of the jail cells in which they slept the night before. Stew
finds what looks like a trap door in the floor of an eastern cell. As they investigate the trap door, a Mokru
pushes its way through the southern door into the jail cell room. the trio quickly exit through the trap door
to avoid a fight.
They find themselves in a cavernous region below the prison level. stew stumbles upon a hidden room to
the west of the corridor. Upon entering the room, they are attacked by three annoying and agitated Nakru.
The party dispatches the grim little beasties quickly.
Sven and Floki inspect an old statue at the south end of the room.
Floki finds a shield and an enchanted sword. Dark almost midnight black, light as a feather. [Dorufu blade
+3 damage and attack]
As they are occupied with investigating this room, the Mokru from the prison level catches up to them.
When the Mokru enters the room, the party notices it has a tattoo on its chest shaped like an octagon
with what looks like a large tooth or claw shape in the center. the tattoo begins to glow with blinding light
for a moment. in that instant the Mokru grew another foot taller, its eyes glow Obsidian black, and it now
has an aura around it crackling with magical energy.
Stew attempts a spear attack, which is somehow deflected by the Mokrus aura.
the Mokru shudders and the aura flashes and in that instant another Mokru appears right next to the first
Floki makes an attack on the second Mokru with his newfound dark blade. The wound not only causes
extra damage but also causes the wound to spread and crack the hide of the Mokru as though it was
The aura of the Mokru fills the room once more with blinding light!
After some successful attempts the party dispatches the two enchanted beasts!
Stew now leads the group out of the room and down a southern corridor.
they come upon another large room. As they try to enter, they are hit in the face with a nasty odour,
smelling of death and decay.
When they enter the room, they see that it is a kitchen or food prep room of some sort. After further
investigation, the group finds human bodies. One sprawled across a table, that looks like it’s been there a
while. three more laid out on the floor, more recent looking kills. All are in a bad state with claw and teeth
marks and still bleeding out.
Our team decides they will need to stay in this horrific room for the evening to regroup for the next day.
Session 5
March 9th, 2025
.......Our heroes start a new day after a gloomy rest in a smelly horror scene of a room, within which, they
found the remains of who they believe may be the missing villagers.
After some rations and refreshing themselves, they decided to exit the East door.
Stew snaps off the iron padlock, the door swings open, and he is confronted by the beast that is
responsible for the demise of the villagers. A lumbering Mokru beast, fat, tall and ghastly smelling. Fresh
blood dripping from its lower tusks. As the beast entered the doorway Stewart attempts to dispatch it.
Floki and Sven join in, but to no avail. The beast is strong and surprisingly agile for its size. Sven takes and
almost fatal blow, knocking him backward into the table and to the floor out cold. fortunately, his
companions Floki, and Stewart are successful in taking down the beast. With a swift and sharp swing of a
sword Floki lobs the head off the Mokru and its body slumps forward onto the floor. Mysteriously, a tooth
amulet oozes out from the gaping wound of the Mokru. Floki smartly, uses a sac and picks the amulet up
and stores it in his backpack.
Stewart attempts to use a heal stone on Sven but is unsuccessful. He passes it to Floki who is also
unable to get it to work. After a few moments Stewart tries again and can revive Sven.
The party heads out of the room eastward down a corridor.
Floki comes upon a door to the south and is successful in an attempt at bashing the padlock.
Upon entering another room, Floki gets the feeling he is being watched and also feels as though he's been
here before.
The others join Floki in the room and investigate the same feeling.
Floki discovers what looks to be an engraving of some sort on the East wall.
upon closer inspection he uncovers an embossed carving in the wall identical to his tooth amulet. Above
and below the carving are runes of some sort.
Sven walks forward and places his hand on the tooth shape in the middle of the carving.
In a flash of blinding light, Sven is frozen in place and cannot move.
Stewart attempts to free him by grabbing him around the waist and pulling, to no avail.
Flokis tooth amulet in his backpack is beginning to glow and heat up.
Floki removes it from the sac and holds it towards the carving on the wall. Sven is released form the
carving and as Floki presses closer he notices the carving sink backward into the wall. As Floki gets even
closer, the carving sinks further back until it passes out of sight and a hole is left that Floki can see
through to another area. He then attempts to insert his spear into the hole in the wall and realizes that
even though he can see a wall with a hole in it, the spear passes through the wall as if it wasn't there.
Floki attempts to kick the wall, and his boot passes in and pulls back out as though nothing was in the
Stewart is busy investigating the rest of the room to find more magic stones.
Sven, being the brave [bold] warrior that he has become, decides he will just walk through the wall at the
place where the carving was. Without any resistance he passes through the wall and vanishes. On the
other side Sven looks back, sees the wall and attempts to walk back but it is now a solid wall, and he
cannot see his companions.
While Stewart is busy searching the room for stones, he feels a presence behind him. He slowly turns to
find yet another Mokru looming over him, slobbering and breathing down his neck. Stew quickly throws a
chunk of bear meat towards the beast. The Mokru watches it fall at its feet but doesn't seem interested.
With just enough distraction, Stewart and Floki decide to turn and attempt to pass through the wall to find
Sven. The pair successfully make it through and meet Sven on the other side in another corridor.
Stew and Floki keep their gaze on the wall they just came through in case the Mokru follows.
While they keep watch over the wall, Sven moves forward to an eastern corner of the corridor where it
turns North. AS he approaches the corner, he notices his footing begin to slip. He looks down to find the
floor covered in a purple and green slime of sorts. Sven regains his footing and backs away from the
slime. AS he does this, the slime on his boots retracts and goes back to the spot he stepped in it.
After investigating the wall north of the corner and noticing even more slime Sven decides to hold his
torch close to the slime area to see if there will be a reaction, and there was!
Immediately a large Slime covered slug of some sort rises from the pool of sludge in the east corner. It
fills the entire corner with its bulk and gives of and undeniable odour of sewage and sour yogurt...?
The beast is unquestionably grotesque. Large bulbous, red glowing eyes. A large circular mouth with
multiple rows of teeth. Surrounding the mouth are tentacles wriggling forward and dripping in slime.
Above the eyes are two large, long sword-like antennae, that glint in the torch light.
AS the party is fixed on their newest challenge, the Mokru makes its way through the wall to surround the
Floki, being creative, decides to use a spell stone of speak with animals and he charms the Mokru into
attacking the Slime Slug for them.
Unfortunately for the Mokru, the tentacles of the Slime Slug are too fast for it and the Slug grabs the
Mokru and begins eating it alive through its chest.
The party decides to use this opportunity to sneak past the Slug and make their getaway.
Two were successful and one, [Stew] slips in the sludge.
The Slime Slug instantly uses its sword-like antennae to pierce Stewart and pin him to the floor.
As their compadre is writhing in agony on the slime covered floor, Sven and Floki attack!! The Slug is
dispatched, and Stew is saved.
The party tend to their wounds, take a pause and reflect, then decide to head up the North corridor.
Until we meet again adventurers!!
Session 6 March 23rd 2025
Our adventurers start the next day after a lengthy battle with a Slime Slug, which almost cost them another party member. Stewart regains enough health to be able to stumble forward with his team mates. The party heads North up the corridor to see if they can either exit this level of the building or get topside.
After about 5 minutes up the corridor, Floki notices large gouges or scratches along each wall. When they reach what seams to be the end of the corridor, Floki notices the scratches on the West wall come to a stop and turn into what seems to be a sunken claw mark. Floki's Tooth amulet begins to glow bright and heat up in his satchel, and at the same time, the claw marks where they sink into the wall light up as well. The group decides not to investigate the scratch marks on the wall, instead they decide to check out a pile of stones blocking the end of the corridor. The stones seemed to have been placed here on purpose, but are not mortared together so there seems to be a possibility to move them. The trio decide to do just that. After a few minutes they move enough rocks in order to enter another room. A large open room, with what looks to be an area that ascends upward to a small plateau. At the top of the plateau are some stone steps heading upward, as well as a large stone well of water. Floi investigates the well and discovers a small white glowing stone.
The party detects noises and a very pungent smell coming from the North West corner of the room. After venturing further in, they surprise a small trio of Nakru, seemingly relaxed and enjoying a meal of some sort. Stewart decides not to engage them with anything other than his lute. Unfortunately his strumming skills were not received well and the Nakru didnt seem impressed. Floki chooses to use his Stone of Speaking and successfully communicates with the Nakru. After a somewhat crude conversation, and an offer of some "bear" steaks, the Nakru are willing to share a bit of info regarding the stone steps. Our heroes agree to venture up the steps to what the Nakru believe is outside.
When the trio exit the top of the steps they find them selves on the edge of a ravine with some very precarious routes to try to get across it. Floki offers to try to get across first, as he will need to jump a 4 foot gap to what looks like an outcropping shaped like a rib bone. Sven suggests to tie a rope around them both in case the jump is not successful, Floki agrees, turns and makes the jump. Sven then attempts it and also makes it. Next up Stewart decides to attempt it without the rope and just barely gets his hands on the other side. Floki and Sven grab him and pull him to safety.
The party decides to head east instead of traversing the rest of this ravine. They bushwhack into dense jungle, for about an hour and then Floki notincing some tracks, follows them and comes upon a group of juvenile Bakru sitting around what seems at first, to be a campsite. Floki attempts to use his Acid Fog Spell Stone. It works, and one of the Bakru runs into the jungle while the other three suffer major damage enough to eventually dispatch them.
AS the party enters the area where the Bakru were sitting, the notice that it wasnt a campsite at all but the Bakru were sitting around what looks to be an entrance to a tunnel, covered by a stone carved dome.
Stewart manages to move the dome to be able to peak underneath into the darkness below.
The top of the dome has an inset carving of a Tooth Amulet as well as runes covering the rest of it.
The aprty decides to rest up here before contemplating where to go next.
........Until our next visit adventurers!