An Alternative OSR-ish TTRPG

“Imagine a world where humans are not only strangers but rare, gathered together in small groups, struggling and fighting to survive. The strangest part of this is not that humans enter this world through "the Veil," a portal of sorts, but that they enter from all times and places. If you are lucky enough to find a friendly face here it may be the face of a cowboy from 1880, a hoplite, or even one of Napoleons soldiers actually grateful to be here instead of freezing to death in the disastrous Russian campaign.
Welcome to the world of Ambian, where to an experienced fantasy RPG player, everything is both familiar and strange. If you are looking to play old-school D&D but want something a bit different to shake things up a bit, then you may want to give "Swords 'n' Stones," by Tim Posynick, a try. All the familiar tropes and rules are there but....different. There exists beings like dwarves.... sort of, and elves...or are they Erufu with natural healing and elemental manipulation? There are orcs... or are they Dakru? Expert players and "rules lawyers" who know the rulebooks like the back of their hand beware, this is not your dad's D&D.
Swords n Stones is rather rules light with quick character generation. Most everything can be randomly rolled on tables for those who want to jump into play. In general PC's are all humans but any type of human from any time, place, or culture is allowed. To make things more interesting is that there are no Character Classes. Think of an archetype you want to play and develop your PC to be that. In Ambian only humans can wield the magic of "the stones." Here magic is in the very foundation of existence and humans can uniquely wield it.
Do you want to wield healing magic? Cast a magic missle? Fight with a sword? Sneak and hide in the shadows? All of these? Then take that sword from the dead Dakru that just tried to kill you, pick up that glowing stone he was protecting and do it!
Adventure is waiting!
Happy gaming everyone!
😊 Josh K. @immersive_dungeon_delving